Shaping AI and Digitization for Society (Bachelor)


Participation will be limited to 12 students.

For Bachelor students of the fields Industrial Engineering and Management, Information Engineering and Management, Economics Engineering or Economathematics.

Objective: The student develops an own idea for an economic experiment in this research direction. Students work in groups. Changing topics each semester. For current topics, see or

The acceptance of students for the seminar is based on preferences and suitability for the topics. This includes theoretical and practical experience with Behavioral Economics as well as English skills.

Seminar Papers of 8–10 pages are to be handed in.

Recommendation: Knowledge in the field of experimental economic research or behavioral economics as well as in the field of microeconomics and game theory may be helpful.

Language of instructionEnglish
Organisational issues


Introductory Meeting April 19 (online)

Seminar Presentations June 7 (in person)