Jeroen Jannis Engel

Dr. Jeroen Jannis Engel

talks and presentations


Verein für Socialpolitik Annual Meeting, Freiburg, Germany

Brown Bag Seminar, Karlsruhe, Germany


GEABA - XVIII. Symposium, Hohenheim, Germany

EEA-ESEM, Lisbon, Portugal

Econometric Society Asian Meeting, Hong Kong, China

HeiKaMaX Workshop on Experimental Economics, Karlsruhe, Germany


HeiKaMaxY Young Researchers, Karlsruhe, Germany

ESA World Meeting, Jerusalem 

Doctoral Research Colloquium, Karlsruhe, Germany


Doctoral Research Colloquium, Karlsruhe, Germany


working papers

A Little Good is Good Enough: Ethical Consumption, Cheap Excuses, and Moral Self-Licensing (joint with Nora Szech)


This paper explores the role of cheap excuses in product choice. If a product improves upon one
ethically relevant dimension, agents may care less about other independent ethical facets of the
product. Opting for a product that fulfills one ethical aspect may thus suffice for keeping a high moral
self-image in agents, and render it easier to ignore other ethically relevant aspects they would
otherwise care about. The use of such cheap excuses could thus lead to a ‘static moral self-licensing’
effect. This would extend the logic of the well-known moral self-licensing over time.
Our experimental study provides empirical evidence that the static counterpart of moral self-licensing
exists. Furthermore, effects spill over to unrelated, ethically relevant contexts later in time. Thus, static
moral self-licensing and moral self-licensing over time can amplify each other. Outsiders, though
monetarily incentivized for correct estimates, are completely oblivious to the effects of moral self-
licensing, both, static and over time.

curriculum vitae


  • 2014 - 2019: PhD student and research assistant at the Chair of Political Economy (ECON)
  • 2011 - 2014: Master of Science in European Economic Studies at the University of Bamberg
  • 2007 - 2010: Bachelor of Arts in European Economic Studies at the University of Bamberg